Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 11-15

Chapter 11:
If you were Atticus, would you have punished Jem and Scout for ruining Mrs. Dubose flowers?

Chapter 12:
How does the relationship between Jem and Scout begin to change? Why do you think Jem's attitude toward her is now different?

Chapter 13:
Aunt Alexandra comes to live with the Finch's. What do you think her influence will be on the children? Will she try to make them change?

Chapter 14:
If you were Atticus would you fire Calpurnia? Why/why not?

Chapter 15:
After Scout told Mr. Cunningham to tell his boy "hey" for her, why do you think Mr. Cunningham told the rest of the men to leave?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Cunningham told the rest of the men to leave because he brought back to his real life. He remembered his children at home and thought about what they would think of him after that night. Mr. Cunningham stepped into someone else’s shoes that night.

Ashley said...

Very true. Mr. Cunningham, maybe for the first time, considered how his actions would affect his children. I think also it could be that he didn't want to do anything while Scout was there.

Anonymous said...

Response to Chapter 11
I think that Atticus shouldn't punish Jem for ruining Mrs. Dubose's flowers. For an adult she was being extremely rude and acting like a kid. It doesn't matter if she's old and sick, she said horrible things that should not be said in public and never to be repeated. She is a bad influence on the kids in the neighborhood, and deserved to have her flowers destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Response to Chapter 12
Jem and Scout's relationship is now becoming more strained. Jem is starting to gain a higher level of maturity, very quickly. Scout however, is not. As a result, Jem is beginning to view Scout as a little kid. Jem is now exerting superiority over Scout. For Scout, this is a new and unpleasant experience. Scout does not like Jem looking down on her, so there is tension on both sides.

Ashley said...

Have you had any experiences with older people being grouchy because they don't feel well? I know some people tend to say and do some harsh things when they don't feel well, but I agree that she was overly harsh with them.

Do you have an older sibling that you went through a time like that?

Anonymous said...

Ch 14

If I were Atticus, I would flat out refuse to fire Calpurnia for many reasons. She has loyally worked for the Finches for the children's whole lives. She cooks, cleans, and even acts as a mother figure to the children. She never asks for anything except for her pay and a ride home each night. As a mother, she needs money for support. She bring the children with her when Atticus is busy (ex. church). Aunt Alexandra doesn't even know Cal, and she can't stay forever, so they'll need Cal when Aunt leaves.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ashley.