Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chapter 16 - 20 Questions

Chapter 16

Why do you think so many people are in the courtroom to see the trial?
If you had the choice, would you have gone to this trial? Why or why not?

Chapter 17

What does Atticus try to prove when Mr. Ewell is on the stand? How does he try to prove this?

Chapter 18

Why is Mayella Ewell afraid to take the stand at the beginning of the Chapter?

Chapter 19

What kind of person is Tom Robinson? How do you know this?

Chapter 20

Why does Dolphus Raymond pretend to drink? What does this tell you about Maycomb?


Anonymous said...

Response to Chapter 16
Many people have come to the trial because it is a big thing in Maycomb. The amount of racism in Maycomb combined with the fact that a black man may have raped a white girl is an outrage to them. Everyone is angry and wants to see Tom Robinson get convicted. If I had the choice I probably would have gone to the trial. Everyone else was going, and the trial is probably the only thing anyone would talk about for a while. From a social standpoint, if you lived in Maycomb, you sort of had to go to the trial.

Anonymous said...

Response to chapter 16:
A lot of people came to the trial of Tom Robinson. This trial attracted many people I think because of the segregation issue. The case is a white man's word against a black man's word. Many people want to see the outcome, and probably influence the outcome to the Ewell's side. If I had a choice to go, I would. I would want to do anything I could to see that Tom Robinson got out with his life. The rape probably didn't happen, it's just because hes black that Tom is being victimized.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 17-

Atticus is trying to prove that Mr. Ewell is left handed. Atticus is trying to prove this because if he does it would seem more realistic that Mr. Ewell beat his own daughter up rather than Tom Robinson. Atticus askes Mr. Ewell if he can read and write and if he would show the court. The court then sees that he is left handed once he writes his name.

Anonymous said...

CH 17

Atticus was attempting to prove that Bob Ewell beats his own children. I am confused by this, because no one ever sees his children, what possible motive could he have for framing Tom? He could beat his kids secretly but why draw attention to himself. In order to prove this, Atticus has Bob write his name on some paper, the court sees that he is left handed, thus it is more likely that a left handed person beat his daughter, due to the location of her bruises the right side).

Steven said...

Adam p - I agree that the trial is a big social event in Maycomb. In small towns, people get bored. Thus, they will watch whatever is going on.

Lauren - I am glad you noticed the segregation issue.

Zoe w - Good description of what Atticus is trying to prove!

Caitlin F - Good description of what Atticus is trying to prove! I think that Bob Ewell is trying to frame Tom Robinson because he is angry that his daughter likes an African American man.