Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chapter 16
Compare/contrast a courtroom today to the description Scout gave of a courtroom in the 1930’s. Base today’s courtroom either from experiencing it or what is seen from a media source. Use descriptive details.

Chapter 17
What do you think is going through Jem’s mind as he is watching the trial of Tom Robinson?

Chapter 18
Do you think Judge Taylor has control of the courtroom? Give examples to support your answer.

Chapter 19
Knowing about Dill’s characteristics so far, does it surprise you that Dill would be upset about what is going on in the courtroom? Why/why not? What would be the underlying reason for Dill to be upset at this point?

Chapter 20
Mr. Raymond trusted Scout and Dill with his deepest secret because they are children. What did he mean by that? How did Scout and Dill feel about knowing his secret?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 17:
Jem is probably thinking of how hard his father’s job really is and possible thinking of actually not becoming a lawyer. He is also probably admiring his father because of the fact that Jem can physically see his political power. On the other hand, Jem could be intimidated by Atticus’s actions in the courtroom. This was not the Atticus Jem was used to and grew up with.

Anonymous said...

Response to Chapter 17
I think Jem is trying to get inside Atticus's head. He wants to know what Atticus is planning. He seems very interested and is triumphant when he figures out where Atticus is going with his case. He probably is looking up to Atticus and is thinking of being a lawyer when he grows up. That is probably why he is so interested in the trial. That, and he wants to see what all this fuss was about.

Rebecca Gruber said...

That is very interesting that you hve two different twists on Jem's thoughts. I am curious as to why you think Jem would not be thinking of becoming a lawyer.

I agree that Jem has a new respect for his father. Jem could learn a lot from his father if he keeps an open mind to learning from him.