Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapter 6-10 Questions

Chapter 6

Would you have gone back for the pants if you were Jem? Why or why not?

Chapter 7

Why do you think Jem may have been crying?

Chapter 8

Was it really Boo Radley that gave Scout the blanket? How has the way you thought of Boo changed from the beginning of the book until this point?

Chapter 9

Do you think Atticus is a good parent? Why or why not? Use examples from the story to support your answer.

Chapter 10

Why do you think Atticus didn’t tell Jem and Scout about his shooting abilities?


Anonymous said...

if i were jem i have to admit i would not have gone back for my pants. This is because when they went the first time and jem lost his pants they almost got shot and arthur radley says that if he hears someone in his yard again he will be sure to not miss. So if jem had woken up arthur rafley he would have been dead and i would have rather gottne a beating form aticus then takent hte risk of being shot and killed

Anonymous said...

in my previous post i said that arthur radley would have killed jem but i meant Nathan Radley nnot arthur radley

Anonymous said...

If I were Jem I would have not gone back for my pants. The first time that they went to the Radley house he wsa almost shot and killed. I, if I were Jem, would have been to scared to go back in fear that I could be shot.I would have rather gotten a beating from Aticus than risk being shot by Mr. Radley

Sara said...

I have to agree with the both of you. I would have been very nervous to go back. Even though I wouldn't want Atticus to be disapointed in me, I would have rather faced the music with him than risk getting killed. I like how you both used events from the book to support your answers.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 6:
I, personally, would not go back to get my pants if I was in Jem's situation. The reason I wouldn't go back is that Jem almost got shot while escaping and losing his pants. Nathan Randly was then aware of Jem's presence, and knew to not miss next time Jem came. Although Jem was found by Atticus, with a good beating, it still would be better than getting shot and killed at the Radley's house.

Anonymous said...

YES, I Would Have Went Back To Get My Pants Beacuse I Am Adventurous.When You Are Adventurous You Be Willing To Make A Dession LIke That..Another Reason Why I Would Go Back To Get My Pants Is Because I Would Want To Get My Pants Back and Because I Would Be Curious.

Anonymous said...

If i were Jem I wouldn't go back for my pants because the last time he lost his pants he almost got shot by Radley. If I went back again I wouldn't know if I'd come back alive.

Anonymous said...

chapter 6 response: If I was Jem I probably wouldn't go back to the Radley house because if I went back I could've gotten hurt.

Anonymous said...


I would have returned for my pants if I was Jem. The Finches aren't rich, they are streched as thin as the rest of maycomb, if not a small bit wealthier. The point that I'm getting at, is that Calpurnia would have noticed that Jem was missing a pair of pants. I doubt that no matter how crazed Boo or Nathan are, neither of them could do much to Jem, short of fining him for tresspassing. That is only if they cauht him. Also, Jemis fast, if they noticed him, he would be gone by the time they recognized him.

Anonymous said...

Would you have gone back for the pants if you were Jem? Why or why not?

Yes, I would have gone back for the pants because if I hadn't gone back, Atticus or Calpurnia would have suspected something and Jem and Scout would be questioned. That would not have been very good!