Friday, March 7, 2008

Chapters 1 - 5 Questions

I have taken the posting below from the comments section and placed it here. This was posted by Ashley:
Chapter One:
Scout describes Boo Radley as a "malevolent phantom" who is over six feet tall and eats squirrels and cats. How does this description help you (the reader) visualize Boo? What role do you think Boo is going to play in the story as it continues?

Chapter Two:
Miss Caroline Fisher scolds Scout for being able to read when she begins first grade. She tells Scout to tell her dad to stop teaching her to read, and that Miss Fisher is going to try to undo the damage. What does Miss Fisher mean that she is going to undo the damage? Do you agree with her way of teaching? Why/why not?

Chapter Three:
The chapter begins with Scout rubbing Walter Cunningham's nose in the dirt for getting her in trouble. They soon meet up with Jem, and Jem invites Walter over for dinner. Why do you think he does this? Retell what happens at the dinner table.

Chapter Four:
Explain what you think is going on with objects that Scout and Jem are finding in the tree at the Radley home. How are the objects getting there? Why are they there? Were they meant to be found?

Chapter Five:
Chapter five focuses on Boo Radley and the children's questions about him. Scout begins to talk to her neighbor, Miss Maudie, more often. How does her perception of him differ from Scout's?

1 comment:

Rebecca Gruber said...

Chapter 1
Dill dared Jem to go onto the Radley’s property. Have you ever been dared to do something? How did it make you feel? Did you go through with the dare? Why or why not?

Chapter 2
Why is it so important that Miss Caroline teach Jean Louise to read instead of others who previously taught him?

Chapter 3
Scout did not want to go back to school. Think of a time when you did not want to go to school. What was your reason? Was it a valid reason?

Chapter 4
Jem has told Scout that she “was being a girl”. How do you think Scout really feels when Jem says that to her? What causes Scout to act like a tomboy?

Chapter 5
Why are the children obsessed with Boo Radley? What do you think they would do if Boo actually came out of the house?