Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6:
Act as if you were in the Radley house as Jem, Dill, and Scout were outside trying to look in. What did you see and hear? How would you have reacted?

Chapter 7:
Jem suggests that they write a letter to who is leaving things in the knot-hole. What do you think they would have said in the letter?

Chapter 8:
Scout said that she nearly threw up when she found out that Boo Radley put a blanket around her shoulders. What do you think might have made her react this way?

Chapter 9:
What do you think Maycomb's attitude is toward Atticus defending African Americans?

Chapter 10:
Harper Lee never states how old Atticus is, but she hints that he isn't young. Based on the information given in the chapter, how old do you think he is? Why would you guess that age? (Support your answer with information from the text).


Anonymous said...

I think the Maycomb residents aren't very happy with Atticus defending African Americans. Then town is very pro slavery and thinks of blacks as less than whites. They think Atticus should spend his time defending whites, and not blacks. I hope that nothing happens to Atticus and his family, because some residents might take it too far and too personal.

Ashley said...


I agree that some residents may take it too far. This book actually is set in the earlier decades of the 1900's, so I don't think they were pro-slavery, but there was still a lot of racism in the town at that time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lauren, though I doubt that the residents of Maycomb were PRO-SLAVERY...I still believe that the amount of racism in this book is astounding. For example, the residents seemed to care more about Nathans momentary lapse of sense, that the fact that he had tried to kill someone on page 54. The fact that scout asked "Did he hit him?" shows that she was (in her young innocence) that she believed the adults to care for the person in question, and less bout his rage.