Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6
1) Describe how Jem must've felt when he went back to the Radley house at night to get his pants.

Chapter 7
2) What do you think is the real reason Mr. Nathan Radley put the cement in the knot hole?

Chapter 8
3) So far in the book, we don't know much about Boo Radley, but after this chapter-what do you think of him-what kind of person is he? Do you think he's as bad as everyone thinks he is?

Chapter 9
4) Describe Atticus-and the kind of person he is.

Chapter 10
5)In this chapter Atticus tells his children that, “It's a sin to kill a mockingbird”. Why is it a sin?


Anonymous said...

Response to chapter 6:

I think Jem was probably creeped out when he went back to get his pants. He did not think anyone knew he had been there, but clearly someone did, and also knew he would come back. And, the stitches in the pants were crooked and messed up. That was also pretty weird, like whoever sewed them was shaking or something.

Anonymous said...

Response to Chapter 6:
I think that Jem was completely freaked out when he went back to get his pants. He had already been nervous, because of the slave being shot at, so he probaly was already scared, so when he found his pants, he was terrified. He clearly didn't understand it, and was worried, because he was shaking, and wouldn't tell Scout what had happened. Also, I think he was afraid to tell someone, in case they told Atticus, or if the person who mended them (is it Bo?) told.

Anonymous said...

Response to chapter 6:

Jem risked his life going back to get his pants because he didn't want anyone to find out he was in the yard. A whipping from Atticus would be worse to him than anything Radley did to him because he knew Atticus and didn’t want to disappoint him but he had no connection to Radley so the threat of getting shot was easier to risk. He must have been shocked to find out in the end some one did know he was there. He probably worried that some how it would get back to Atticus.

Anonymous said...

When Jem went back to the Radley house to get his pants, im assuming he was very frightened. The fact of going to a creepy house alone in the middle of the morning is one thing, but then going back to find your pants being sewed and folded is another. If i were Jem i would probably never want to go back to the Radley house again.

Anonymous said...

I think the real reason why Nathan Radley cemented the knot hole was because he found that the kids were trying to get into his familys life. I think he is deffinetly hiding a secret about Boo and doesnt want the kids to find out. Im very eager to find out the mystery behind this and other events.

Anonymous said...

response to ch 8

The mystery surrounding Boo Radley has been some what resolved. Scout & Jem learn that he was a real with feelings not just a scary person living in a spooky house. The act of him putting the blanket on Scout allowed them to judge him for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 9 response:

Atticus is a smart man and he has high standards. The first impression he gives off is that he is cold and withdrawn but he slowly reveals that he is quite perseptive with his children. He cares deaply for them and tries to give them what he feels they need to become good adults.

Anonymous said...


He was scared because it was dark and he was by himself but he had to do it because he had to go get his pants so he wouldnt get in trouble.

Anonymous said...


I think that the real reason that MR. Nathan put the cement in the knot hole was so there would be no connection betwwen autherradly and the other kids.

JSchlata said...

Great responses again this week everyone! For those of you who posted to Chapter 6: I definitely agree that Jem must have been really scared, worried and confused! What a traumatic experience for someone that young to go through.
As for the other responses, I agree as well. I don't think Boo Radley is as bad as everyone thinks either. I also agree the Nathan wanted to stop any connection between the children and Boo.
Keep up the great work everyone! :o)