Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapter 26
If you were Scout and had to talk about a current event what would it be? Why did you choose the topic and give a brief discussion about it.

Chapter 27
What was the author’s purpose to write about Mrs. Tutti (Sarah) and Frutti (Frances) Barber? Why do the ladies have those nicknames? Does it remind you of a popular pun? Explain.

Chapter 28
A simile is comparing two different things using like or as. Find at least one simile.

Chapter 29
At what point do you think Scout realized Boo Radley was the man standing in the corner of Jem’s room? Explain.

Chapter 30
Explain why To Kill a Mockingbird is the title of this story. If you were the author of this story what would the title be? Why?

Chapter 31
After reading this story explain why Arthur Radley stayed inside his house for the majority of his life. Why would Scout never see him again?


Anonymous said...

CH 26

If I was Scout and I had to talk about a current event, I would talk about the death of Tom Robinson. Children think of death, guilt, punishment, even the crime in innocent and unexpected ways. I would be interested to hear what the children of Maycomb think about such a complex subject. Also it would provide insight into the opinions of the children's parents. Children pick up a lot of their morals and personal opinions at home, so by talking to the kids, you'd hear a reflection of their parents beliefs.

Rebecca Gruber said...

Caitlin F.,

It is such a shame that young children have to come to terms with such adult topics. You are correct about children picking up a belief system from their environment. Sometimes it is positive and sometimes negative.