Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapter 26 –
What was Scout’s conflict with Miss Gates? Cite textual evidence?

Chapter 27 –
What events occurred in Maycomb and what did they have to do with Bob Ewell? What do you think they mean?

Chapter 28 –
Onomatopoeia is a literary device that is defined as words that sound like the sounds they make. For example, “The bee flew by with a buzz.” Buzz is a form of onomatopoeia. Can you find an example of onomatopoeia in Chapter 28?

Chapter 29 –
Explain Bob Ewell’s character as described by Mr. Tate early in Chapter 29.

Chapter 30 –
How has Scout’s image and perception of Boo Radley changed? How has your perception changed? Why?

Chapter 31 –
How does the statement “…you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them…” apply to Scout’s understanding of Boo. What does she learn?


Anonymous said...

CH 31

Early in the book, Boo Radley has acted as a sort of comfort blanket for Scout. Even when she feared him, he was always there. Until the end of the book, she could imagine him, as he evolved into the mysterious, well-wishing neighbor that he becomes in Scout's mind. She could imagine his appearance, attitude, even his house. So when she finally meets him, I think that she's shocked. It is only when she understands why he appears, that she is willing to accept a new form of Boo, yet another example of her maturing.

Ashley said...


You really hit the nail on the head. There is an obvious progression in Scout's maturity through the book.

Emily said...

Caitlin - You are right. Scout's relationship, though distant, with Boo does show her progressive maturity through the book. I also think when she is on the Radley porch she literally sees what Boo Radley saw, a vantage point of their neighborhood that she hadn't understood before. She flashed back to the summers of playing with Jem and Dill and saw her, and their, own significance and importance in Boo's life. They brought him entertainment and joy and though seperated, they shared a relationship and a bond.