Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapters 26-31

Chapter 26
Find the simile on page 243. What is being compared? Describe what this means.

Chapter 27
What was the connection between the Finches and the three things that happened to the citizens of Maycomb, as stated on page 248?

Chapter 28
Does it surprise you that Aunt Alexandra brings Scout her favorite pair of overalls to wear? Why do you think she does this?

Chapter 29
What do you think was Scout’s reaction when she realized Boo had saved her and Jem?

Chapter 30
Mr. Tate, Atticus, and Scout discuss Bob Ewell’s death. How do you think he died? Why?

Chapter 31
Describe Boo Radley’s actions in this chapter. Why do you think he wants Scout to walk him home?


Anonymous said...

chapter 28:
It doesn't surprise me that Aunt Alexandra brings Scout her favorite pair of overalls to wear. I think she does this for a few reasons. One I don't think that she was paying much attention to what she was bringing Scout, after all Scout was just attacked and Jem was hurt. I also think that maybe Aunt Alexandra did it on purpose. Since Scout was just attacked Alexandra was sympathetic and gave her her favorite overalls, maybe to also show that she was sorry for not being there.

Nicole said...

Your thoughts on this question are great! I totally agree with you. Aunt Alexandra does seem really sympathetic and understanding in this chapter, (which is how she should be.) It didn’t seem that she could show this much understanding, but she finally does and at a time when Scout really needs it. Great Job!