Thursday, April 17, 2008

Final Reflection

I really enjoyed reading "To Kill a Mockingbird." I thought it did a great job of capturing the time period and the prejudices people faced. Scout was probably my favorite character. I thought a lot of the things she said and did were funny and she was definitely wise beyond her years. I found that all the kids in the story - Dill, Jem, Scout - were the voices of reason. I also found Atticus to be a very likeable character. Regardless of what others thought, I thought he was a great father. I think he taught Jem and Scout life lessons that will make them better people. He was an honorable man for doing his best to try and defend Tom Robinson. Overall I thought it was an interesting story that kept my attention plus made me think about the serious subject of racism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a lot of fun reading the book. It was very interseting. Working in groups was also reallly fun and it helped a lot. I never enjoyed a book so much.

i would like to participate in another blog

Eileen ms 217