Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chapter 11 - 15 Questions

Chapter 11

Why does Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose's flowers? Do you think that he should have been punished for destroying the flowers? Why or why not?

Chapter 12

What happens when Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to her church? What do you think of Reverend Sykes?

Chapter 13

Why do you think Aunt Alexandra moves in with Atticus, Jem, and Scout? What kind of person is Aunt Alexandra?

Chapter 14

Why do you think Aunt Alexandra wants Atticus to get rid of Calpurnia?

Chapter 15

Why does Atticus sit in front of the jail door? What does this tell you about Atticus?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 12 response:

When Scout and Jem go to Calpurnia's church they get a mostly warm welcome. with the exception of Lula everyone seems very nice to them. Lula is the one person who stands out. She does not welcome them but tells them to go to their own church. However the others members of the church tell Scout and Jem to ignor Lula and have a good time. Reverend Seykes seems very nice to everyone. He also seems focused on helping people. He raised ten dollars for the man on trial's wife.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 11-
Jem destroyed Mrs. Dubose's flowers because he was annoyed at all of the critisms that everyone at school had been giving him. Mrs. Dubose was always nasty to him, and after the hostile verbal attacks, Jem got fed up and decided to retaliate. I don't think that Jem should have been punished, because he had dealt with the rest of the comments made by others. I probably would have done something worse, and wouldn't have had the discipline he started out with. Even though i wouldn't be able to deal with that situation, I feel that Jem didn't handle his anger well. I think that it was a good thing that he read to Mrs. Dubose, because it helped her get over her addiction.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 11-
Jem destroyed Mrs. Dubose's flowers because he was tired of her picking on him and Scout. She was always saying mean and nasty things about him and Scout. When she called Atticus a "nigger-lover" that was the final straw. If I was Jem I would have probably done the same thing. I think Jem should have been punished because he destroyed an old sick womens flowers. He learns that he must control his feelings and i think it was a good idea to punish him to get him to learn a lesson

Anonymous said...

Chapter 11 response
Jem destroys Mrs. Dubose's flowers as pay back for all the things Mrs. Dubose has said to Jem and Scout. I think that although Mrs. Dubose without knowing it provoked Jem he shoudl still have been punished. This is because even the right thing to do in a situation like that is be the bigge person and not let the insults influence your actions, and Jems punishment is a way of teaching him not to react as harshly to rood comments again.

Anonymous said...

the anonymous above is from Laura W. Marblehead
it wouldnt let me post as a name/url

Anonymous said...

Chapter 13 response
I thinkg that Aunt Alexandra moves in with the Finch's because she disagree's with how Atticus is raising Jem and Scout and so she feels she has to intervine. She is the type of person that cannot accept people having different views and needs to force her own views upon everyoe else, as in this case where she thinks the childern should be raised differently so she thinks she must do that for Atticus

Steven said...

Zoe w - Very good description of what happened at Calpurnia's church. I agree that Reverend Sykes is a nice man.

Kara k - Nice description of why Jem destroyed Ms. Dubose's flowers. I also think that the comments at school contributed to his anger!

Shannon o - Good description of why Jem destroyed Ms. Dubose's flowers.

Laura w - Good description of why Jem destroyed the flowers and of Aunt Alexandra.

I like how many of commented that Jem must control his anger better in the responses for Chapter 11. This is an important skill that we must all learn as we grow up!