Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chapters 1-5

Chapter 1

1) Describe the Radley house. Does it seem scary to you?

Chapter 2

2) Scout's first grade teacher, Miss Caroline- did not like that Scout already knew how to read. Do you think this is a good quality of a teacher? Why or why not? If not, how should she have reacted to Scout?

Chapter 3

3) What are your feelings about Calpurnia? Does she seem like a good person/housekeeper?

Chapter 4
4) Who do you think is putting items in the knot hole of the tree? Do you think it is someone trying to befriend the children? Who could it be?

Chapter 5

5) Describe the relationship between Scout and Miss Maudie, and why do you think Scout likes to hang out with her?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 2 Response:
I think that Scout's teacher should have responded the way she did to Scout's abillity to read. She was reading the Mobile Register in first grade, and Miss Caroline somehow saw that as a bad thing! I think Miss Caroline is probably inexperienced, or just not a good teacher.

Anonymous said...

Chpater 2:
I do not think that Scout's teacher Miss Caroline should have reacted the way that she did. While teachers have their own way of teaching they should not discourage kids like Scout who already know how to do things like read. I think that Miss Caroline may not notice what she is doing because she so new to teaching and she is new to the town.

Anonymous said...

Chapter Two Response:
I don't think that Miss Caroline reacted the right way to Caroline's ability to read. I think the job of a teacher is more to encourage people to read, and by reacting the way she did Miss Caroline may ruin the enjoyment of reading for others. I don't think this is a good quality of anyone, let alone a teacher. Instead of doing this, I think Miss Caroline should have let Scout show her how well she read, and from there Miss Caroline should have helped Scout progress even more or explain anything Scout didn't understand.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 2
i do not think that miss caroline reacted in a bad way to Scout. i think this because she should have been happy that Scout already knew how to read, not annoyed . If i was a teacher i would have been happy that a sutdent had prior knowledge, it means less work for her. Also she says that her father taught her the worng way, but i don't think there is a wrong way of learnign how to read unless you learn the wrong pronounciations or letters. Instead of Miss Caroline being unhappy she should have showed Scout off as model student and could have even asked her to help her fellow students learn how to read.

Anonymous said...

I think that Calpurnia is a good person on the inside. She acts strict to keep Scout and Jem in line. She really does care and love the children very much and would do anything for them.

Anonymous said...

Chapter two response:
I think that Ms. Caroline should have reacted differently towards Scout. If a first grader already knows how to read, that should be praised, no put down. It shows that Scout is really interested in starting school and is a very bright kid. Ms. Caroline should have some lessons from other experienced teachers on how to communicate with kids better.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 3-
I think that Calpurnia is a very hard working person, but doesn't deal well with children. She is a great cook, which endears her to Atticus, and helped Scout learn to read and write. She seems very strict to Scout, because she is almost the only disiplinarian in the house, and therefore isn't like'd the most. Since Scout has been in the house, not attending school yet, she has also had many oputunities to annoy Calpurnia.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 1 response:
I think the Radley's house scary because it is always locked day and night. The radley's house is a little scary for me.

Rebecca Gruber said...

Adam, you are probably right. I also think she feels threatened by Scout. Miss Caroline might think that if Scout is reading at such a high level Scout might "show up" the teacher.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone! I read all of your responses, and they are great! Most of you chose to answer my Chapter 2 question. I agree with all of you that Miss Caroline should've reacted differently toward Scout. If I was teaching 1st grade I would be shocked and happy if one one my students could read on such a high level. I also agree with those of you said Miss Caroline should've given Scout work that was on her level, and that she could possibly help other students with reading as well.
The Chapter 3 questions were great as well. Calpurnia seems strict but sometimes you have to be with children. But I think we all know she loves the kids and genuinely cares about them.
Overall, great job everyone! I am very impressed with all of your responses! Keep up the good work! :o)

Anonymous said...

Chapter 4:
I believe that the person putting the miscellaneous in the tree hole is attempting to befriend Jem and Scout. I believe that it is Boo Radley putting the gifts into the tree. This because he lives right next to the tree, but also because he never comes out of the house. Perhaps he is seeking human companionship in Jem and Scout. Third, he must know that they are the only people that pass the house and that would actually take anything out of the tree.

Anonymous said...

I think that Calpurnia is well-meaning. She seems strict to scout, but she seems to be understanding, zand educated, she taught scout to read as a first grader. She is a great cook, so atticus likes her. She seems to have an important role in the story.

Anonymous said...

We don't quite think the Radley house is scary. It's just weird. I think that because all the doors are always closed, that is weird to me because in that community everyone keeps their doors opened so everyone is wecomed but since the Radley's doors are always closed that means you are not welcomed in their home or space.

Anonymous said...

Chapter one response

The Radly house is a grey house that is three doors down from the finches house. the house had rain rotted shinglesdrooped over theeaves of the veranda oak trees kept the sun away. the yard was never swept. grass was over grown. its a house you would not want to visit.

Anonymous said...

calpurnia seems to be the source of many arguments. but i think she truly loves the family and does help.