Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 21 - 25 Questions

Chapter 21

What is the verdict in Tom Robinson's trial? How do you feel about this?

Chapter 22

Why do the colored folks of Maycomb send Atticus gifts? What does this tell you about them?

Chapter 23

Why does Aunt Alexandra say that Walter Cunningham cannot come over? How do Jem and Scout respond to her words?

Chapter 24

What happens to Tom Robinson in prison? Why do you think he tried to run?

Chapter 25

How does Maycomb respond to the news that Tom Robinson has been killed while trying to escape from prison? How would you react to this news?


Anonymous said...

Ch 22

I think that by sending Atticus gifts the "colored" people in Maycomb are telling Atticus that he tried his best, and that they understand. However, in this circumstance, it would have been better to "send a card" instead of food. The already poor people were just wasting money. Miss Maudie was probably the only white person to thank Atticus for his attempt. She only did it differently, acting for the children i.e. cake.

Anonymous said...

The final verdict of the Tom Robinson case was that he was guilty. I do not think that this is fair, and i think that the jury all know that this man is not guilty. I think they just said he was guilty because it is what the people of Maycomb wanted to believe. But in reality, i think they all knew that he was inocent and Mayella was obviously making this all up.I think this is really where the phrase " to kill a mockingbird" comes into play. Tom Robinson was a normal man, just living a regular life, not bothering anyone, yet he was killed; as unfair and un-necessary as it is.

Steven said...

Caitlin F - I agree that the colored folks of Maycomb are trying to tell Atticus that they appreciate his effort and that they understand what happened! I believe that they sent food because it was all that they had. Most of them could not read or write cards.

Allie C - I agree that the verdict of Tom Robinson's trial was unfair. I think that it is great you connected the title of the story To Kill a Mockingbird to one of the characters Tom Robinson.