Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapters 21-25:

21. Pretend you are a juror that is on the jury for Tom Robinson's trial. Make an agrument for what you believe is the truth.

22. Why is Jem so upset over the verdict?

23. How does Atticus feel about racism? Use details from the chapter.

24. Summarize Chapter 24.

25. What is the main idea of Chapter 25?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 24 response

It is now the middle of August and Scout is suffering through another one of Aunt Alexandras attempts to turn her into a young lady. Dressed her in pink Sunday-best dress, Scout is helping her aunt hostess to a tea for the ladies of the missionary aid society. The ladies gush wit sympathy for the plight of the poor people of Africa, but in the next breath they make unkind remarks about their own servents and crittisize Atticus for trying to save Tom Robbinson.

In the middle of the tea, Atticus arrives home unexpectedly. Out in the kitchen, where the guests cannot hear him, he tells Alexandra and Scout some bad news: Tom Robbinson has been killed trying to escape from prison.

The ending of the chapter is a bit surprising. Alexandra is genuinly upset by th news, yet insists that she and Scout go back to entertain the guests, and carry on as if nothing had happened.

Ashley said...


I like how eloquently you phrased the summary. Why were you surprised by Aunt Alexandra's reaction to the news about Tom Robinson?