Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapter 6 - 10 Questions

Chapter 6

What happens when Jem stands on the back porch to look into the Radley's window?

Chapter 7

Why do you think Jem cries at the end of Chapter 7?

Chapter 8

Why do you think that Boo Radley gives Scout a blanket? What kind of person do you think he is?

Chapter 9

Why does Scout fight with Francis on Christmas? Do you think she was right to fight with him? Why or why not?

Chapter 10

At the opening of the chapter, how does Scout feel about her dad? Why does she feel this way? What changes her feelings by the end of the chapter?


Anonymous said...

response to chapter 8

I think that Boo Radley is a nice person. I think that there may be another explination for why he always stays inside. I think that perhaps he is lonely and wants a friend but doesn't know how to get one. I also think that he has taken a liking to Scout because he gives her a blanket when she stands shakeing out in the cold. Also he laughs when she rolls into his yard.

Anonymous said...


Scout fights with francis on christmas, because he insults Dill, and calls Atticus an inapropriate word. I think that it would have been better to tell Uncle Jack in the first place (to avoid a spanking). That boy deserved a good hit, he seemed conceited and mean. Any boy who insuts someone's loved ones and then allows themselves to be attacked by a young girl, should get hit. :)

Anonymous said...

Scout fights with Francis on Christmas, because he insults Dill, and calls Atticus an inappropriate word. I think that it would have been better to tell Uncle Jack in the first place (to avoid a spanking). That boy deserved a good hit, he seemed conceited and mean. Any boy who insults someone's loved ones and then allows themselves to be attacked by a young girl, should get hit. :)

Sorry about the spelling errors, I fixed them above!!

Anonymous said...

When Jem standed on the back porch and lookede into the window of te Radleys, Nathin was on the back porch with his shot gun. When hge saw the kids on the porch he shot in of the barrels into the air and scared them away.

Anonymous said...

At the end of chapter 7 I think that Jem cried because he fiany felt the impact that what happened at the radley house. Also I think that he was afraid after it happened.

Steven said...

Zoe W - Very good description of Boo Radley! It is nice that you see the good in people.

Caitlin F - Very good explanation of why Scout fights with Francis on Christmas!

Tyler P - Good explanation of why Jem cries at the end of Chapter 7!

Anonymous said...

Response to chapter 8:

I think that Boo Radley gives Scout a blanket because inside, he is actually a kind person. Boo probably didn't want Scout to freeze so he gave her the blanket. Another reason why he probably gave Scout the blanket is because he wanted to let her know he isn't a crazy killer and get to know the kids better. The rumors are probably not true about how Boo is crazy and how he stabbed his father. I think he is a caring person, and probably would not harm the children. That is why I think Boo Radley gave Scout a blanket and what kind of person he is.

Anonymous said...

Response to chapter 9:

The reason Scout fights Francis on Christmas is because Francis insulted her father. Atticus was defending an African American man in court and he was not accepted for that. Francis called him a slang and mean word many times. He also insults Dill with a cruel term. Scout eventually cannot handle it and attacks Francis. I think that Scout was right to fight him. She first should have got an adult, but I think he still needed to get the beating for his behavior. Francis was very aggressive and needed a pounding. It would have been better for Scout to get an adult, but I still think that she was right to attack Francis.

Anonymous said...

response to question 8

I think Boo Radley is caring. He might not show it or come out of the house, but he cares about his neighborhood and the kids in it. He shows that by giving Scout a blanket when shes cold, and looking after Scout and Jem with the little presents in the tree. Maybe one day the residents of Maycomb will except Boo for who he is and learn of his kind side.